This is my new toy for Christmas and after much faffing about I have just managed to "post" the very first photo taken with it as you see here.
Why can I not just copy paste on this iPad?
Why can I not just alt tab into explorer and drag it here?
Why is iOS so frustratingly awkward?
Will I ever get the hang of iPadding productively?
Just how steep is the learning curve?
It is a wonderful camera and I expect that it'll be my new constant companion.
It, too, has a steep learning curve, not nearly as frustrating but not as intuitive as it ought to be.
Why disable the flash when in silent mode?
Why disallow raw files at extreme ISO settings, just when raw would be best suited?
Actually, the latter doesn't matter because the jpg's are lovely.
It is wified and iPad compatible.
I shall explore that more fully when my life would be better for experiencing a dose of frustration and needless complexity.
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