Thursday, October 24, 2019

Inexorably moving to the right

Every time we visit our Oncology team I have to fill out a form, tick boxes mostly. We are into double figures of forms by now but today I think I did it for the last time.

It seems only yesterday that all my ticks were on the left.
A couple of times ago I noted the migration and today there were more further to the right than previously and the left hand side mostly vacant. I am thankful that my migration has not yet fully populated the extreme right but it seems that I'm on the way there.

As today's consultation drew to its end I was passed from my cancer nurse to a palliative care nurse. From Lizzie to Keith, in fact. No ceremony apart from the fact that for the first time we left Oncology without an appointment for a next visit.

Keith was calmly spoken, real and a gentleman, after all, he recognised me, in so far as he remembered that in a previous life I had helped "rescue" him. However, as I explained, when you are far from shore and your boat has broken down but is otherwise in no immediate peril you don't need rescuing, you just need a tow! It's obvious, really.

Now we will have form DS1500 to fill in when the palliative team pay us a visit.
And I qualify for a blue badge so now I can park wherever I like on double yellow lines and annoy people but at least it should spare the Jazz from Tesco dents. If the Merc had a boot worthy of the name I could take that shopping, eh?

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