Friday, December 27, 2019


We are surrounded by the most beautiful flowers.
Thirty nine years ago today we made vows in the presence of God and in front of witnesses, vows that will last as long as we both live. With divine grace and in his providence we have got thus far intact if not unscathed.
It's all pretty good to be honest.
 So lovely are the flowers we have that I considered it churlish to add to their number especially as none that I chose would be as lovely as what we already have. When I say "we" I may be stretching it a bit. Thank you Rosie, thank you Becky, the flowers are lovely. I'll not seek to add to them!

I did make a card, though. Moet courtesy of an over generous daughter, glasses courtesy of friends who never cease to go above and beyond and who gave them to us in a blue box with a similar bottle thirty nine years ago today.
So I didn't provide flowers. I didn't provide either champagne or the flutes from which to drink it. I didn't bring much to the party at all. What have I to contribute?

Hiding unpleasant things is never good. It's far easier to cope with reality when it's out in the open. The help we have received in getting this far is unimaginably greater than anything we've any reason to have expected. Inexpressible gratitude ........ 

Been a pretty good XXXIX years, though. I have no complaints although I'm only one half of this marriage and not a very competent half at that but I have been put up with far better than I have deserved. 

In fact, to quote Paul Hewson, "You're the best thing about me".
One of the reasons I love her, totally, absolutely, unconditionally.


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