Friday, February 07, 2014

Ugh .....

An hour ago we landed.

Three hours before that we had been sat in 25C, cloudless and windless Spainish Mediterranean weather.

The owner of the iPad has already left to go skiing but not before she had cleaned, hoovered and restocked the fridge  with nice things. Tea and saffron cake ..... mmmmmmmmmm. Masymas didn't have that.

The box of post is daunting but the secretary will sort it. I have phone calls to make.The wifi is on and there are a few photos to copy and sort.

It's grey, cold, breezy and it's raining. Later it's going to get worse. Gmail will shut my accounts down as someone is attempting to access them from England. They have already told me that they had stopped someone accessing them from Alicante, Spain. That was last night in the hotel. Why do they keep telling me that they'll shut them down when they did that on 2nd January?

Once I've pressed "send" I shall log out of the iPad and sometime today, tomorrow, whenever I shall start emailing gmail to reset the mess they've made out of my accessing my accounts.

Without the iPad none of this blog could have happened. The iPad has been a revelation. For a PC person that's quite something to say.

Life is suddenly so much more complicated. And dull. And cold. And wet. And windy.

Back home then.

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