Sunday, January 25, 2015

Bloggers block.

I haven't written anything for days now but the ancient MSi CR720 laptop seems to have fallen out with the local electricity and the iPad's not always available.

However, to blog about something you must first have something to blog about and you can't really write a blog that says only that it's been getting hotter and less windy each day and that today is very hot and there's no wind making it too hot for all but brief forays on the balcony, can you?

Previous days have been spent on the balcony, taking food and drink as appropriate and punctuating the inertia with sandy watery walks or promenading ourselves. Shopping has been light and intermittent but tomorrow will see a large replenishment take place as a delightfully busy, though emphatically not an arduous, week is eagerly anticipated.

The local forecast is not at all bad with generally slowly rising temperatures, slight to no wind and no precipitation in sight.

All in all, exactly why we came!

Shame the laptop's exhausted, though. I do empathise.

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