Tuesday, January 13, 2015

When in Rome ......

Yesterday I went into a shop and asked the price of an item.
The lady replied in Spanish at 3,000,000 words per minute.
I had to resort to the "soy ingles" whereupon she looked and slowly told me 19 35 Ayuro.
I wasn't going to buy anything but I think for a millisecond she thought that my "Hola, buenos tardes, cuanto cuesta este" sounded almost right.
That's never happened before.

Wandering uplong first thing(ish) this morning we were on the shady side of the street.
That's a bit early into our sojourn but it is warm, however, we're still overtaking the local populace but no doubt that'll end soon.

The highlight of the day was when our neighbour on the next balcony offered us a plate full of freshly made cakes. Some coconut buns, some macaroon type things with a wonderful hint of cinnamon and some of the lightest finest oatcakes that I've ever had. It was a wonderful thing she did and has made our day.

She spoke no English and we ... well, we mucho bueno'd and gusto's and gracias'd and were so pleasantly surprised. A lovely moment. We are now just grateful that we didn't finish the Christmas cake so next time our balcony visits coincide we will be able to reciprocate, though what she'll make of a Christmas cake in a country that delights in lightness, I don't know. Bet she likes it though! That's never happened before, either.

Later, fired up with this shopping business we did dos supermercados, one for solids, one for liquids. I can report that San Miguel has dropped to 1Euro a litre. One Euro! It's cheaper than water, cheaper than milk and far cheaper than coke, in fact but for 0.079cents it would be cheaper than petrol. Even the Shiraz has dropped 20cents. That may be why my current frying pan full of "stuff" following my sister's recipe for caramelised onion and anything you can find thrown in with added juices and, in this case rather a lot of Shiraz.

I'm told not to worry as if you simmer it long enough it'll thicken up.
May be a very late tea, then.
That's happened before.

Supermercado Pescaderia counter, or small part thereof.

To the left is all shades of squid, behind the blue price list, octopus, behind the pillar shellfish, small craws, shrimp, prawns and lots I haven't got a clue about. Right of the pillar the green boxes at the front are full of shells, mussels by the ton, limpet lookalikes, parts of crab and what looks like small fat gezzies. Behind are Salmon and a mass of very, very small stuff, like linsees, pout, whiting, megrim and John Dorys but you'd need umpteen for a decent feed.
The rest of the counter extends more than twice as far to the right and to the left there's another few metres of the counter you can see. I guess that this represents about a quarter, maybe less, of the wetfish area. Every supermercado is the same.

Sorry it's not a better photo but wandering about in a supermercado taking photos is not my forte, really!

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