Thursday, January 08, 2015

Yesterday euphoria, today the grim reality

A glorious sunrise was heralded by demands that naranja be delivered to the balcony where the wise one sat, iPad in hand, coffee freshly provided.

Thus, I felt duty bound to accede her every whim so following the hazardous preparation of filtered coffee whilst relatively unprotected I began arduous cutting, squeezing and pressing of enough oranges to make a still life look overcrowded.

I even have the photo, taken with the new camera that I've been allowed.

Following that I had to carry a rather heavy rucksack back from a supermercado.
Not one trip, either. Returning in a favour, so to speak I was engaged en preparacion of our second coffee of the day.

Alas, another supermercado was waiting for our business, apparently.
This visit was sweetened by permessso to replenish the brown bottle supply and get milk.
The only proper milk, we remembered, was in yet another supermercado way up the other side of the tracks.

One of us stayed in the air conditioned expanse of groceries the other was sent out in the heat of the day on an errand. Milk collected and burdens borne our return found me in a degree of exhaustion requiring an infusion of sugar and stimulant.

Following this and a length of pan split and filled one had recovered sufficiently to endure the afternoon. Seeing as another one had discovered iPad libraries, a sun drenched balcony, a bowl full of almonds and copious supplies of liquid refreshment, the other of us took advantage of the peace and quiet and went for a bathing.

It was lovely. Probably not far from an hour spent exchanging heat with the Mediterranean and then the short walk over a beach and 15 steps to the front door.

My return was greeted with some amusement by our neighbours on their balcony wrapped in sweaters, hoodies and scarves. Smiles, shakes of heads, pointing at their cranium and finger waving in my direction was understood even if their words were not, although "frio" was used but hardly relevant if they knew the context. Looking up from her iPad I was reminded that "they cope with 40C in the summer...." Indeed. It's all relative, I suppose. They probably cope with people too, the sea was my own.

Refreshed and now in recovery mode, I await the request to remove a bit of cork and no doubt later I will be encouraged to undertake washing up duties.

As the sun gracefully descends to blur the distinctions between the azure and the pinks of the southern and western horizon letting them become a tobacco coloured glowing band before the streetlights come on and the slight breeze turns in for the night I got an email from one who is in Toronto. All talk of -17 but felt like -30, it was 17 proper degrees C before breakfast here. Nice photos, though.

For a while (albeit a very, very short while) I felt a tinge of sympathy but she chose to go there and I told her it was cold. I done geography once. I know about these things.

Pretty good at cork removal and washing up, too.

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