Tuesday, January 20, 2015

El tiempo normale .... with snow

After the recent weather catastrophe we ventured further afield today and noted that there was snow on them there hills. Not seen that before but then, we've not spent much time here although it did feel a bit odd being hot and sunny with snow in the distance. It wasn't there the day before yesterday.

Subsequent investigation would suggest that the white ridge is nigh on 10 miles inland so about 8 or 9  from the tram.

It was a wholly successful day, in fact. My sister got me some rather fine reading glasses a while ago and very stylish they were, too. Alas, they broke yesterday and were binned this morning so having an excuse to trawl around in every cheapskate shop we could find was an entertainment in itself.

In the end we bought a toaster (long story) saw a chair (trying to find out shipping costs) and eventually found what I was looking for in a shop we'd passed at least four times and only went into because we were 20 mins. early for the tram and the shop's aircon was mighty. Style with added plastic case far superior to a black draw string bag and the €4 price included a cleaning cloth, not bad, eh?

The ones she bought were not the £1.99 ones either, they were the £2.00 dull matt rubbery plastic sort, unfortunately once unwrapped the new ones were made of a shiny brittle plastic so no doubt next time we visit Alicante we'll be looking for a Primark.

Shouldn't have binned the broken ones I guess, they may have been still under warranty.

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