Afternoon all, thought it was about time I put some updates on Facebook about how life's going at the moment, I know lots of you have been PM'ing me and texting etc asking for updates.
Basically for those that don't know I've been diagnosed with what is most probably angio sarcoma, an aggressive type of cancer which has a poor prognosis because by the time the symptoms are making themselves known the point of no return has long since been passed. Unfortunately that's also true of my case, I've started chemo (week 3 on Tuesday!) but it's very much to try and stop the spread of the cancer rather than cure it and at this point it's too early to say how effective it's being. If it works well and the cancer responds to the treatment then I could well be around for another 10-12 months, obviously if it doesn't respond well then that's another matter!
I'll hopefully get my act together from here on and start posting some fairly regular updates for you all, one thing that has been just utterly incredible has been how so many of you have been praying for us and the effect that's had on our lives recently. To be able to be confronted with your own death and to confidently be able to say "Death, where is your victory? Death where is your sting?" has been incredible and is down to so many of you praying. In fact I've not been worried about anything throughout the whole thing, I know that God is in charge, he knows what he's doing, his timing is perfect and as a Christian I really don't have anything to worry about - Paul reminds us in Philippians 1 that to live is to live for Jesus and have his help, guidance and comfort every day of my life, but to die and be with him in glory - well that's better by far! (Phil 1: 20-24)
To give you a little chemo update this week, (sorry for not replying to so many of you, I'm a bit whatsapped out!!) it's been amazing! I've been waiting for chemo brain to kick in and, well, it hasn't - my sleep has been all over the place but I've actually been perky for much of the week, marvellous! We'll see what week 3 brings on Tuesday.
So to conclude this slightly all over the place post, to those that are praying: THANK YOU, to those who have sent messages and the kindest of words: THANK YOU. Even though we're going through what could be described as a beast of a trial at the moment we know so much blessing, so many happy moments, so much reassurance, so much love from so many and the knowledge that God absolutely adores his people, he loves us beyond words and let me tell you, because of that I can face whatever tomorrow brings without fear or trepidation because my life and those of those I love around me are kept safe in his hands. It is just incredible to go through times like this as a Christian.
I'll update soon, cheers all!
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