Sunday, April 21, 2019

Resurrection Sunday ......

..... or Easter Day as it is now generally known.

This morning our church service began with our minister stating,
Christ is risen!
to which we replied,
He is risen indeed

Then he stated,
Jesus is the resurrection and the life
to which we replied,
Those who believe in him shall never die.

A year ago about this time of day and in this weather, although a little less warm we stood on a hillside overlooking Mumbles light and buried Paul in Oystermouth Cemetary.

The memory has not dimmed but nor have the words spoken by Steve Levy, Pastor of Mount Pleasant Baptist Church, Kingsway, Swansea. He recognised the sadness of the event but elevated the reality of what we believe. Look around, he said, and see the new life in the grass, the bushes, trees and flowers. New life is what Christians see as the ultimate reality. Paul will be raised because Christ rose again and we who believe will be too.

How appropriate that the first anniversay of Paul's funeral is Easter Day, Resurrection Sunday.

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